Bob Hornsleth
Introducing the Bob Hornsleth. Grilled Flatbread, roasted garlic oil, fresh mozzarella, blistered peppadew peppers, prosciutto di parma, spinach aioli, fresh oregano, shredded grana padano.
Sacred Heart shares border with Annunciation and St. Dots. While our first Annunciation honoree was Roger DeArstyne, it goes without saying our first Dot’s honoree had to be Bobby Hornsleth.
Bob coached sports at St Dots and was with the football program for almost 50 years with the legendary Jim Stewart and Joe MacNeal. So he mentored countless kids at St Dots. In fact if you are between the age of 20 and 70 and played cyo football in Delco you knew who Bob Hornsleth was.
Bob was regular at Maggie O’Neill’s where he was sure to patronize the place owned by some of his former players. We’d like to think if Bob was still with us he’d pop in to Manoa on Thanksgiving after participating in the Grand Daddy of all CYO traditions Dots-Bernies. A site to behold. #dotsshsb, #manoaknowsagoodthingwhenitseesit, #granddaddyofthemall