Cardinal John Foley
Introducing the Cardinal John Foley. Arancini with Parmesan risotto, candied bacon, sweet peas, red onion served over heirloom cherry tomato cream sauce and topped with shredded grana padano and sweety drop peppers.
Arancini is an Italian street food consisting rice based filing rolled in bread crumbs and fried.
Since we are going authentic Italian it was natural we name this after Cardinal John Foley. The regional Catholic school on Eagle Rd is named for him. He grew up in Darby in Holy Spirit and after being ordained Sacred Heart was his home parish for many years while he was the editor of Catholic Standard and Times.
He was an extremely popular priest at Sacred Heart and was called by Pope John Paul to serve in Vatican in mid 80s. Always made it a point to come back to Manoa and reconnect.
He headed communications there and was voice of Midnight mass for many years. Most importantly while he had a lofty title he treated people the same as a Cardinal as he did as freshly ordained priest. #stdenisschoolisnamedaftersacredheartguy, #vivaitalia