Candy Coyne
Today we introduce the Candy Coyne.
It’s an onion bisque with caramelized sherry onions in a roux broth served French onion style with garlic crostini and topped with provolone, mozzarella and Swiss cheese. A forewarning if you are fan of traditional onion soup this is different. This is an actual iteration of an old family recipe created by Candy herself. She grew up in Mifflin County PA where you can encounter some of the best PA Dutch cooking around. Not sure this even came from there and may have been acquired anywhere from here to Norfolk but it became a staple. In all honesty she would absolutely hate the idea of this being served to the public or being part of a drinking establishment but in keeping with family tradition we are doing it anyhow and see how it goes. Someone with absolutely zero culinary background said it reminded them of something between a French onion and a snapper soup. Not sure that makes any sense but we think this might be a hit. In another fun fact the PA Dutch weren’t Dutch at all. They were Germans but since being German was frowned upon at the time they just called themselves Dutch. And apparently got away with it. That sounds like a very Manoa thing to do. Definitely fits Brookline. So we will run with it. #heaintdutch, #thisaintwhatyouthinkitis