Joe Romano
Introducing the Joe Romano. Our house made flatbread. Grilled flatbread topped with traditional marinara, fresh mozzarella, shaved garlic, leaf basil and shredded Grana Padano. Once we get rolling with these Chef Andrew starting in January will introduce a weekly flatbread special as well. Chances are if you are between the ages of 55 to 40 and grew up in Manoa you played on at least one team coached by Joe. Was involved in every sport at Sacred Heart and was at Hilltop forever, Legion, O’Hara, you name it. Was the skipper of the first team of what now is a multitude of state championship teams in 1984. Probably the most amazing fun fact about JoRo was he coached all those youth teams and during that time never drove a car. And didn’t drink alcohol. While he managed getting around from place to place ok, the second fact made coaching the characters of Manoa during those times almost untenable. Influenced a ton of people and loved his neighborhood. He can be in our lineup any day. #84champs, #joro