Samuel Moore
Introducing the Samuel Moore. If you like our Bucky Antell quesadilla or Shag burger you might want to check this out. An 8oz fresh burger dry rubbed in chipotle garlic seasoning, grilled your way. It is then wrapped in flour tortilla stuffed with cheddar and pepper jack cheese, house made jalapeño salsa and a side of Sriracha sour cream. You almost have to see this in person. A fascinating concoction that is visibly appealing and delicious at same time.
Samuel Moore is the founder of Manoa. He owned the general store across the street that is now Bob DeLuca’s law office. In 1881 he decided he needed a vacation/business trip out west. Went across country to San Francisco via train etc. Hopped a freighter and shipped into Hawaii. Spent 6 months there near Honolulu in a place called the Manoa Valley. By the time he meandered back to his general store in 1883 the area had grown and government asked if his store could become a postal outpost under the condition he name it. Sam accepted and named it Manoa where it thrived for many years. Sam must have encountered some pirates on his way to Hawaii. Because maybe the greatest Manoa pirate move of all time is to name your family store after the place that reminds them of where you disappeared to for two year vacation. #1881businesstrip, #comingsoonnewgeneralstorenamedskippys