Classy Jack
Kicked off our weekly specials last week with Nora Farrell and Jody Reed. Both well received. Likely to return. Here we introduce the Classy Jack. Grilled flatbread with smoked Gouda, Mozzarella and Goat cheese, topped with Shiitake mushrooms, Carmelized onions, Black Truffle oil, Lemon Zest, Fresh Thyme, and a Balsamic Reduction.
Classy Jack was a legendary well traveled local bartender known for a dapper wardrobe, quick witted barbs, and an occasional off color joke. What is less known is he once was the tenant that occupied the former apartment above Manoa. Jack must have been part reptile because he liked to keep the apartment at about 92 degrees. The only means of heat was in through a boiler pipe that ran by the old pay phone. Many a patron and bartender was burnt by that pipe during Jack’s residency. He was also known for squiring an occasional lady friend to his favorite date location. Marcus Hook. If Jack were alive I can only imagine his line when he found that Manoa Tavern had Black Truffle oil. #classyjack, #fromblacklabeltoblacktruffleoil, #whodofthot